For Your Average Genius

Monday, June 22, 2009

Food tampering at its worst is headed your way

Everyone, we have an assignment which is to watch the youtube link provided below. Here is why...and this is going to sound unbelievably hard to swallow, so I'm going to ask you to bear with me...but after December 31st of this year, I probably won't be able to help you anymore.

Or at least, what I tell you won't work. Here is why. After that date, all the foods we eat including peppers and garlic - even organic ones - will fall under new rules that will make the foods unsafe to eat.

See, I told you that what I was about to say would sound crazy. So go watch the videos to see why even though it sounds crazy, it only bizarre but true.

Alice in Wonderland makes more sense that what has sneaked up on us. But what I'm saying won't make sense until you listen to the video.

This is serious. Let me give you just one example. Under the Codex all foods must be irradiated. When you irradiate a pepper or garlic, it changes the physical structure of the fatty acids in the volatile oils.

That change in structure will result in rancid cells in your body. It's something called oxalic acid. Dr. Revici studied this and proved it back during World War II !!

Once the oxalic index in an animal or a person takes hold, it increases, generating more rancidity. When the rancidity reaches a certain level, the animal or person dies.

It might be easier to look at it this way: if you've ever had a piece of ground beef go rancid, does it ever get better? Of course it doesn't.

If all our food is required to be irradiated, the incidence of incurable illness will soar, yet the peppers and garlic won't do you a bit of good, because they will be irradiated, too.

So go watch the videos. We can stop this. Or it will stop us.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
Together we can cure cancer - one person at a time!
Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex. Your comments are welcome.

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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Food cravings and pounds disappear EFFORTLESSLY

A reader sent me this lovely testimonial today. She's been using my recipe for ending food cravings.

Hi Kelley,

I am so happy - I could not resist writing to thank you one more time as I near my goal of losing 20 llbs. I have now lost 7 kilos (15 1/2 llbs) since starting with the full protocol on 12 January.

I now can say that it was effortlessly because I do not crave sweet things any more -I simply get what I need from the fruits which I eat abundantly. I have even been able to politely say no to cakes and other delicious sweet treats.

I am a different person - regarding food in a different way. I still cannot believe it that it is actually happening instead of me just wishing for it.

I just completed a 7 day detox - I continued your protocol during these 7 days because I wanted to ensure that I would not start craving a quick fix of sweets. I hope this momentum continues because I just have another 4 1/2 llbs to lose.

As a result of your protocol my diet also changed - more or less by itself - I just eat less and have a lifestyle change by incorporating more raw foods in my diet.

Well I do not want to continue to ramble. I have been telling friends who are willing to listen - I am truly happy that I found your hub. I guess you must be a blessed and happy person as lot of positive vibes must come your way from everyone helped via your hub.

As I will not be able to help myself - I will keep you informed of my progress when another milestone is reached.

All the best,


You know, it is a blessing...a blessing you can share in by sharing this good news. Feel free to pass the word along however you see fit.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
Together we can cure cancer - one person at a time!

Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex.
Your comments are welcome.

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Sunday, February 15, 2009

My two favorite IM traffic generators

The problem with so-called traffic generators has always been the same...they work AGAINST human nature. Unless you give the prospect a good that is in THEIR self look at your webpage, it's just isn't going to happen!

But now two true geniuses have fixed that...each in their own they have put ingenious improvements in their programs that allow you put your webpage in front of tens of thousands of willing prospects.

They are SuperListExplode and ListJumper.

How good are they? I signed up for their premium memberships, even though you can get them for FREE.

SuperList entices your prospect to look at your webpage by offering them the credits they need to get their website seen. ListJumper does the same thing.

SuperList says if you'll look at just five websites today, you can email everyone who has signed up that day. Today, for instance, already 1,250+ and counting have signed up.

So you do that for seven days, and you have seven days worth of new signups to send to.

Oh, and your list keeps growing and growing. At today's rate of sign-ups you'd have 37,500 in your email list in one month! In two months, you'd be contacting 75,000 fellow members, all of whom want to earn they'll be motivated to check out your site.

Or you could join up for the premium offer..which is what I did... and you can send out your website to your growing list EVERY DAY! Over time, your list will skyrocket.

SuperList has some other sweetners in their premium membership, too. But the exploding list is the one that can make you rich!

Meanwhile, ListJumper has its own really clever approach. Free members can send their website to up 100 random prospects every three days (3,000 a month), but Silver members can can send up to 2,000 random members every three days (60,000.)

Going for the ListJumper Silver membership is a no brainer, because you can grow your business 20 times as fast that way.

It's called "ListJumper" because as a new member you get to send your website to older members. In other words, you don't get screwed by being the last to join. Joining 'last' means they already have a big, fat list ready for you to contact.

Here is what I'm doing. I'm promoting my book because I want more eyeballs taking a look at it. Members want to look at my ads because the more ads they look at, the more members they can jump.

But you could advertise your ListJumper on SuperList, and your
Superlist on ListJumper. Both are exploding, so there will be plenty of prospects who will want to join each one.

You can earn a ton of money from each site, especially from ListJumper.

It's a natural fit because both of them are for folks who want lots more traffic.

If you ever wanted to get your website in front of tens of thousands of more eyeballs week after week, SuperListExplode and ListJumper are your answer.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
Together we can cure cancer - one person at a time!

Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex.
Your comments are welcome.

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Thursday, January 08, 2009

Why isn't Hank Paulson in jail?

Hank Paulson is the Secretary of Commerce who has almost single handedly given birth to the Great Depression of the 21st Century. The former Goldman and Sachs makes the Ponzi scheme artist Madoff look like a piker.

Madoff stole a 'mere' $50 billion.

For every dollar that is printed, Paulson is stealing a dollar from you and I another dollar from you and I. When it comes to money, it's like we were counting by quarts and now it's ounces.

If the total amount of money in the economy was $100, and then you added counterfeit $100, you still have $100, not $200.00. But Paulson and his replacement, are handing out $700 billion, $800 billion, $1.2 trillion...who knows when the madness fake money.

So now the $100 you had is worth $50. And the $-0- worth of funny money jumps up to being $50. So you were just robbed of $50!

Adding fake money to the economy merely reduces the value of the dollar in your pocket.

That's what Paulson has done. He's made up $700 billion - so far - of electronic money and he's passing it out to his secret pals.

Now normally, government officials are supposed to follow our laws and our Constitution. We are still looking in the Constitution to see where he gets his authority to do what he is doing. No one has found it yet.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
Together we can cure cancer - one person at a time!

PS. Discover how I cured my own stage 4 cancer in two weeks, ten years ago.

Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex.
Your comments are welcome.

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Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Is your burger aging better than you are?

You know those burgers you see on TV. They look so good!

Well they still look good years later! Check out this YouTube video and others on the bionic burger:

I'm not a fan of the link from the YouTube video, but the video itself out to be seen by everyone, nonetheless.
The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
Together we can cure cancer - one person at a time!

PS. Discover how I cured my own stage 4 cancer in two weeks, ten years ago.

Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex.
Your comments are welcome.

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Doctor Who Cures Cancer: more testimonials

"I have just recently finished your book, and am about to read it again. I am a cancer survivor (breast cancer) for almost 8 years now, and have read dozens of books on the subjects of curing and preventing cancer, not to mention a more than fair amount of internet research. I had surgery, but refused chemo or radiation.

"This is the most amazing book I have read on the subject, well worth the money. I have forwarded your info on the book to all my family and friends, and I have left a comment on your blog. You did an incredible job on this book, and I thank you for writing it."

Maureen Goldstein
Massapequa Park, NY

"This is the best money I have spent in a long time. I am so impressed with what I have read and looked through in the book."

Jackie Botteron
West Frankfort, IL

"I liked your book on Dr. Revici so much that I am ordering two more copies in paperback from Cafe Press to give to friends that have loved ones with cancer."

Ben Griffin, a reader from Texas
[editor's note: Mr. Griffin has now ordered 5 copies to date.]

This method applies to any stage of cancer, including Stage 4 cancer.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
Together we can cure cancer - one person at a time!

Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex.
Your comments are welcome.

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008


You probably heard the news about yet another deadly bacteria, c. difficile, that is wreaking havoc in hospitals, killing patients left and right. This time the story is true. The bug causes diarrhea which can be dangerous.

Thank goodness, it's easy to prevent and cure. Not with a drug, but with a 'bug.' The bug is friendly bacteria.

We're supposed to have 3 to 5 pounds of friendly bacteria in our body. Hardly anybody does though.

Here's the problem...we don't eat foods with friendly bacteria any more, unless you're making homemade sour kraut. ;-) If you show up in a hospital after being depleted for weeks or months of good bacteria, and then they fill you full of antibiotics, you might want to notify your next of kin - to quickly get you some probiotics.

Oh yeah, it the hospital, they'll probably give you Prilosec, too, without your knowing it. That practically guarantees you're going to get sicker by messing up your pH, thereby promoting the death of any good bacteria in your system.

But that's okay (Not really). My favorite probiotic is PB-8, which is widely available in health food stores. I've heard good things about Dr. Ohiras probiotic, too.

Every person should be taking a top quality multi-probiotic...or making and eating sour kraut (It has to be homemade.) :-)

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
Together we can cure cancer - one person at a time!

PS. Check out these comments from readers of my book:

"I liked your book on Dr. Revici so much that I am ordering two more copies in paperback from Cafe Press to give to friends that have loved ones with cancer."

- Ben Griffin, a reader from Texas

"I have read a lot of books yet none of them were as clear and interesting as this book. It’s the only one in the last 60 or 70 books that I couldn’t put down.

With other books, after a half-hour I’m bored with them. The Doctor Who Cures Cancer is written in a way that you understand everything perfectly as you read it – nobody writes like that!"

- Raquel Sanchez, M.D., Panama City Beach, FL

If you don't have yours yet, go ahead and pick up your copy or copies. As one reader recently told me, it's the best of dozens of books she's read on the topic. Just click below and order.

Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex.
Your comments are welcome.

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The Doctor Who Cures Cancer testimonials

The Doctor Who Cures Cancer

The Story of Emanuel Revici, M.D.
His medical breathroughs, innovative treatments, and struggle for recognition.

by William Kelley Eidem

"I liked your book on Dr. Revici so much that I am ordering two more copies in paperback from Cafe Press to give to friends that have loved ones with cancer."

- Ben Griffin, a reader from Texas

"I have read a lot of books yet none of them were as clear and interesting as this book. It’s the only one in the last 60 or 70 books that I couldn’t put down.

With other books, after a half-hour I’m bored with them. The Doctor Who Cures Cancer is written in a way that you understand everything perfectly as you read it – nobody writes like that!"

- Raquel Sanchez, M.D., Panama City Beach, FL

This method applies to any stage of cancer, including Stage 4 cancer.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
Together we can cure cancer - one person at a time!

Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex.
Your comments are welcome.

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Sunday, November 09, 2008

The Doctor Who Cures Cancer: some supplements could accelerate your tumor's growth

The Doctor Who Cures Cancer

Do you know which supplements
could make your tumors spread faster?
And which ones will shrink them?

by William Kelley Eidem

"You requested that I look into Dr. Revici's treatment of cancer. This I did, and find it far beyond my wildest expectations.... His results are amazing..."

- Louis E. Burns, M.D.

This method applies to any stage of cancer, including Stage 4 cancer.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
Together we can cure cancer - one person at a time!

Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex.
Your comments are welcome.

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Saturday, November 08, 2008

The Doctor Who Cures Cancer: some supplements could accelerate your tumor's growth

Do you know which supplements
could make your tumors spread faster?
And which ones will shrink them?

A glimpse at what you will discover...

* The surprising link between pH and a whole host of diseases—including cancer—that doctors still fail to recognize and test for. (Chapter 3)

* Specific tests you can have your doctor perform to determine precisely whether you have an imbalance that can lead to cancer... and where that imbalance is located. (Chapter 33)

* PLUS... 22 other ways to identify if you have a pH imbalance—including a 15-second breathing technique—that you can safely perform in the comfort of your own home. (Chapter 33)

* What potassium levels in the blood serum can reveal about your cancer "pain pattern." (p. 37)

* When surgery should be the absolute last thing you consider... and why it can actually cause your cancer to metastasize (spread to other parts of the body). (pp. 39-41)

* Why radiation treatments are rarely effective, and can actually activate previously undiscovered metastases. (p. 40.)

* Two classes of organic molecules with the power to eliminate cancer pain within a few minutes, and begin shrinking tumors in a matter of days or weeks. (p. 45)

* The case of a cancer-eaten 74-year old woman who was hanging on to dear life by a slender thread. Yet, she lived another nine years until she died of... well... a heart attack. (p. 47) Plus dozens of other case histories and stories of cancer-cured patients.

* The revolutionary—and heretical—theory of biology proposed by Dr. Revici which even allowed him to develop effective anti-viral drugs with the ability to control AIDS, Ebola, and other viral diseases. (Chapter 5 & 7)

* A remarkably effective treatment for radiation burns—still rarely used—that twice had the U.S. Navy actively recruiting Dr. Revici to join their nuclear weapons program. (He refused both times.) (pp. 75-76)

* The Revici drug—available only in German pharmacies—that successfully treats a whole host of conditions (including trauma-induced shock) with no apparent side effects.

* How Revici's treatments have implications for Arthritis (pp. 112, 322), Heart Disease (p. 111), Migraines (pp. 111, 322), Alzheimer's Disease (p. 112), Viral Infections (Chapters 5 & 7), Drug Addiction (Chapter 9), Alcoholism (Chapter 9), Herpes (p. 112), AIDS (pp. 83-92, 147-154), some forms of Childhood Retardation (p. 112-113), Schizophrenia (pp. 98-99), and other diseases.

* And... the ONE place in the U.S. where you can be treated using Revici's method... PLUS simple things you can do to help get the word out about this amazing cancer cure that has been ruthlessly sidelined by the medical establishment.

This method applies to any stage of cancer, including Stage 4 cancer.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
Together we can cure cancer - one person at a time!

Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex.
Your comments are welcome.

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Friday, November 07, 2008

The Doctor Who Cures Cancer, did you know?

The Story of Emanuel Revici, M.D.
His medical breathroughs, innovative treatments, and struggle for recognition.

by William Kelley Eidem

Do you know which supplements could make your tumors spread faster? And which ones will shrink them?

These 360-pages could save your life...

This method applies to any stage of cancer, including Stage 4 cancer.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
Together we can cure cancer - one person at a time!

Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex.
Your comments are welcome.

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Thursday, November 06, 2008

The Doctor Who Cures Cancer

In The Doctor Who Cures Cancer, you'll learn all about Revici's revolutionary treatments and where you can get them.

A glimpse at what you will discover...

* The surprising link between pH and a whole host of diseases—including cancer—that doctors still fail to recognize and test for. (Chapter 3)

* Specific tests you can have your doctor perform to determine precisely whether you have an imbalance that can lead to cancer... and where that imbalance is located. (Chapter 33)

* PLUS... 22 other ways to identify if you have a pH imbalance—including a 15-second breathing technique—that you can safely perform in the comfort of your own home. (Chapter 33)

* What potassium levels in the blood serum can reveal about your cancer "pain pattern." (p. 37)

* When surgery should be the absolute last thing you consider... and why it can actually cause your cancer to metastasize (spread to other parts of the body). (pp. 39-41)

* Why radiation treatments are rarely effective, and can actually activate previously undiscovered metastases. (p. 40.)

* Two classes of organic molecules with the power to eliminate cancer pain within a few minutes, and begin shrinking tumors in a matter of days or weeks. (p. 45)

* The case of a cancer-eaten 74-year old woman who was hanging on to dear life by a slender thread. Yet, she lived another nine years until she died of... well... a heart attack. (p. 47) Plus dozens of other case histories and stories of cancer-cured patients.

* The revolutionary—and heretical—theory of biology proposed by Dr. Revici which even allowed him to develop effective anti-viral drugs with the ability to control AIDS, Ebola, and other viral diseases. (Chapter 5 & 7)

* A remarkably effective treatment for radiation burns—still rarely used—that twice had the U.S. Navy actively recruiting Dr. Revici to join their nuclear weapons program. (He refused both times.) (pp. 75-76)

* The Revici drug—available only in German pharmacies—that successfully treats a whole host of conditions (including trauma-induced shock) with no apparent side effects.

* How Revici's treatments have implications for Arthritis (pp. 112, 322), Heart Disease (p. 111), Migraines (pp. 111, 322), Alzheimer's Disease (p. 112), Viral Infections (Chapters 5 & 7), Drug Addiction (Chapter 9), Alcoholism (Chapter 9), Herpes (p. 112), AIDS (pp. 83-92, 147-154), some forms of Childhood Retardation (p. 112-113), Schizophrenia (pp. 98-99), and other diseases.

* And... the ONE place in the U.S. where you can be treated using Revici's method... PLUS simple things you can do to help get the word out about this amazing cancer cure that has been ruthlessly sidelined by the medical establishment.

This method applies to any stage of cancer, including Stage 4 cancer.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
Together we can cure cancer - one person at a time!

PS. Want to know how I cured my own stage 4 cancer in two weeks?

Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex.
Your comments are welcome.

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Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Cancer? That supplement could 'do you in'

When you have cancer, there are supplements that could help everyone else but speed up your cancer growth. You need to know which ones are for you.

Your doctor doesn't know unfortunately which one is which.

That's why you need your own copy of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer.

His doctor told him. But in a desperate search with just weeks to live, Dr. Robert Fishbein, M.D. found the only doctor who could save his life--but it would cost him his career...

"Genius is seeing what everyone else sees
and thinking what no one else thinks.
Revici is a genius."

Dr. Robert Fishbein, M.D.
Cured of terminal brain cancer by Dr. Revici.
(Still alive after 45 years!)

"There was Hippocrates, there was Galen,
and then there was Paracelsus.
He [Dr. Revici] is among them."

Professor Gerhard Schrauzer
Editor, Biological Element Trace Research

This method applies to any stage of cancer, including Stage 4 cancer.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
Together we can cure cancer - one person at a time!

PS. Want to know how I cured my own stage 4 cancer in two weeks?

Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex.
Your comments are welcome.

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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Cancer? Are your supplements promoting cancer growth?

First you need to know this: when a person has cancer supplements don't work the same way. A supplement that can cure one cancer patient can hasten the death of another. If you or a loved one has cancer, it's imperative to know this vital information.

That said, this is rather fascinating:

Rep. Peter Defazio of Oregon was sitting across from me as I was interviewing him in his Congressional office.

He told me about a Senate hearing on alternative cancer treatments, which sounded interesting enough to dig up the transcripts and scan through them.

That's when I learned about little Issy, a four-year-old cancer patient.

Vernon Morin, Issy's father, had testified of her remarkable turn-around under the care of one Dr. Emanuel Revici. And I was so moved by her story I felt compelled to look up Vernon and interview him personally...

He told me about the flock of whitecoats who gathered around a conference table to inform him and his wife that their daughter had maybe three weeks left to live. And that she would certainly die in pain.

Dr. Revici's name was mud in the medical community. But in desperation, and against the adamant advice of their doctors, they took her to see him, and—

Issy's pain vanished within 48 hours!

What's more, she was alive and well months later, back to being a normal little girl. Her grapefruit sized tumor had shrunk down to a golf ball.

It's that story that got this book started.

Whether you have stage 1, stage 2, stage 3 or stage 4 cancer, you'll want to get your hands on this book.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
PS. Be sure to go ahead and out how my $10 cancer cure is starting to help those who have tried it:
Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex.
Your comments are welcome.
Panama City Beach, FL

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Monday, November 03, 2008

Cancer? Which supplements could kill you?

If you've got cancer, the supplement that can save your hospital roommate could make you sicker...even kill you.

His doctor told him. But in a desperate search with just weeks to live, Dr. Robert Fishbein, M.D. found the only doctor who could save his life--but it would cost him his career...

"Genius is seeing what everyone else sees
and thinking what no one else thinks.
Revici is a genius."

Dr. Robert Fishbein, M.D.
Cured of terminal brain cancer by Dr. Revici.
(Still alive after 45 years!)

"There was Hippocrates, there was Galen,
and then there was Paracelsus.
He [Dr. Revici] is among them."

Professor Gerhard Schrauzer
Editor, Biological Element Trace Research

Whether you have stage 1, stage 2, stage 3 or stage 4 cancer, you'll want to get your hands on this book.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
PS. Be sure to go ahead and out how my $10 cancer cure is starting to help those who have tried it:
Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex.
Your comments are welcome.
Panama City Beach, FL

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Sunday, November 02, 2008

Cancer? That supplement could kill you

It's critical that you and everyone else know this. It explains why the same supplements can be lifesaving for many and harmful for another.

But very few physicians and lay people are aware of this. Not knowing can kill you...even while you think you're doing yourself good.

That's why you need to read "The Doctor Who Cures Cancer."

The Doctor Who Cures Cancer

The Story of Emanuel Revici, M.D.
His medical breathroughs, innovative treatments, and struggle for recognition.

by William Kelley Eidem

These 360-pages could save your life...
Suppressed For Over 60 Years,
This 'Dirt-Cheap' Cure To Cancer
Now Comes To Light...

Whether you have stage 1, stage 2, stage 3 or stage 4 cancer, you'll want to get your hands on this book.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
PS. Be sure to go ahead and check out how my $10 cancer cure is starting to help those who have tried it:
Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex.
Your comments are welcome.
Panama City Beach, FL

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Saturday, November 01, 2008

The Doctor Who Cures Cancer: Emanuel Revici, M.D.

"I liked your book on Dr. Revici so much that I am ordering two more copies in paperback from Cafe Press to give to friends that have loved ones with cancer." - Ben Griffin, TX, US

Hi Mr. Eidem

I have just recently finished your book, and am about to read it again. I have read dozens of books on the subjects of curing and preventing cancer, not to mention a more than fair amount of internet research. This is the most amazing book I have read on the subject, well worth the money. I have forwarded your info on the book to all my family and friends. You did an incredible job on this book, and I thank you for writing it.

Maureen Goldstein
Massapequa Park, NY
I have read a lot of books yet none of them were as clear and interesting as this book. It’s the only one in the last 60 or 70 books that I couldn’t put down.

With other books, after a half-hour I’m bored with them. The Doctor Who Cures cancer is written in a way that you understand everything perfectly as you read it – nobody writes like that!

Raquel Sanchez, M.D.
Panama City Beach, FL

The Doctor Who Cures Cancer

The Story of Emanuel Revici, M.D.
His medical breathroughs, innovative treatments, and struggle for recognition.

by William Kelley Eidem

Whether you have stage 1, stage 2, stage 3 or stage 4 cancer, you'll want to get your hands on this book.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
PS. Be sure to go ahead and check out how my $10 cancer cure is starting to help those who have tried it:
Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex.
Your comments are welcome.
Panama City Beach, FL

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Friday, October 31, 2008

Announcing "The Doctor Who Cures Cancer"

The Doctor Who Cures Cancer

The Story of Emanuel Revici, M.D.
His medical breathroughs, innovative treatments, and struggle for recognition.

by William Kelley Eidem

"I liked your book on Dr. Revici so much that I am ordering two more copies in paperback from Cafe Press to give to friends that have loved ones with cancer."

- Ben Griffin, TX, US

Whether you have stage 1, stage 2, stage 3 or stage 4 cancer, you might find this book to be just what you're looking for.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
Panama City, Florida
PS. Be sure to go ahead and check out how my $10 cancer cure is starting to help those who have tried it:
Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex.
Your comments are welcome.

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Doctor Who Cures Cancer testimonials

"I was surprised at the quality of both the research and the writing. I think it is a top notch effort. Mr. Eidem's obvious desire to sell the book makes him suspect, but don't let that stop you from buying the book...It is definitely worth the small price."

Rick Carroll

Hi Mr. Eidem

I have just recently finished your book, and am about to read it again. I have read dozens of books on the subjects of curing and preventing cancer, not to mention a more than fair amount of internet research. This is the most amazing book I have read on the subject, well worth the money. I have forwarded your info on the book to all my family and friends, and I have left a comment on your blog. You did an incredible job on this book, and I thank you for writing it.

Maureen Goldstein
Massapequa Park, NY
I have read a lot of books yet none of them were as clear and interesting as this book. It’s the only one in the last 60 or 70 books that I couldn’t put down.

With other books, after a half-hour I’m bored with them. The Doctor Who Cures cancer is written in a way that you understand everything perfectly as you read it – nobody writes like that!

Raquel Sanchez, M.D.
Panama City Beach, FL
Whether you have stage 1, stage 2, stage 3 or stage 4 prostate cancer, you'll want to get your hands on this book.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
PS. Be sure to go ahead and check out how my $10 cancer cure is starting to help those who have tried it:
Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex.
Your comments are welcome.
Panama City Beach, FL

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Doctor Who Cures Cancer, a caring physician

Dr Revici was a brilliant scientist. But it didn't stop him from caring for his patients... As Dr. Lawrence LeShan, PhD, put it...

"I have never seen a more dedicated physician. I have never known before a physician who told every charge nurse in the hospital that if he was needed at any time, by any patient, he should be called and, to my personal knowledge, if he was called at two, three or four in the morning, he was always there within twenty minutes."

"Dr. Revici heard about a patient who was too sick to come and see him. He paid the man a house call, walking up five flights of stairs. Revici was ninety-three [years old]."

Marcus Cohen

Whether you have stage 1, stage 2, stage 3 or stage 4 cancer, you'll want to get your hands on this book.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
PS. Be sure to go ahead and check out how my $10 cancer cure is starting to help those who have tried it:
Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex.
Your comments are welcome.

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Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Doctor Who Cures Cancer breaking news

They say cancer will never be cured...or will it...

Suppressed For Over 60 Years,
This 'Dirt-Cheap' Cure To Cancer
Now Comes To Light...

Discover the Remarkable Genius Of Dr. Emanuel Revici
And How His Revolutionary Cure For Cancer Has Given
New Hope To Cancer Victims—Even Those With Advanced
Stage IV Cancer...

Whether you have stage 1, stage 2, stage 3 or stage 4 cancer, you'll want to get your hands on this book.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
PS. Be sure to go ahead and check out how my $10 cancer cure is starting to help those who have tried it:
Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex.
Your comments are welcome.

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Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Doctor Who Cures Cancer, easy read you can't put down

"I have read a lot of books yet none of them were as clear and interesting as this book. It's the only one in the last 60 or 70 books that I couldn't put down."

Raquel Sanchez
Panama City Beach, FL

"Kelley, I love your writing style. Easily readable, honest, assertive, great sense of humor. You have to continue to write."

Lyudmila Lachac
East Norwich, NY

I have just recently finished your book, and am about to read it again. I have read dozens of books on the subjects of curing and preventing cancer....This is the most amazing book I have read on the subject, well worth the money. I have forwarded your info on the book to all my family and friends, and I have left a comment on your blog. You did an incredible job on this book, and I thank you for writing it.
Maureen Goldstein
Massapequa Park, New York

I was worried that the book would be a waste of time....
However, I was surprised at the quality of both the research and the writing. I think it is a top notch effort.
- Rick Carroll

Hi Kelley,
I liked your book on Dr. Revici so much that I am ordering two more copies in paperback.
Ben Griffin
Dallas, TX

Whether you have stage 1, stage 2, stage 3 or stage 4 cancer, you'll want to get your hands on this book.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
PS. Be sure to go ahead and check out how my $10 cancer cure is starting to help those who have tried it:
Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex.
Your comments are welcome.

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Emanuel Revici, M.D., The Doctor Who Cures Cancer

Just Who Was Dr. Emanuel Revici?
The Incredible Story Of A
Remarkable Medical Researcher
Dr. Emanuel Revici, M.D. Dr. Emanuel Revici

To do it right, a proper Revici biography would span several volumes. He was born in Romania in 1896 and lived to be 101 years old!

Most who knew him considered him a towering genius. Even Albert Einstein was reported to have referred to him as the "greatest mind he'd ever come across in his lifetime." (See p. 20, 80-81.)

His career began in World War I, while serving as the youngest lieutenant to be in command of a medical brigade and winning a medal for bravery... graduating top of his class at the University of Bucharest, and becoming the youngest to ever serve on the Faculty of Medicine... his early cancer research at major medical centers throughout Europe, including the prestigious Pasteur Institute... his remarkable early successes in battling cancer while living in Paris in the late 1930s... his harrowing escape from the Nazis, who were after him because of his medical aid to the French Resistance... setting up a new cancer research clinic in Mexico City for the duration of the war where he had many of his early successes... his eventual move to New York City, where he founded his second cancer research institute. (Part I of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer tells only the highlights of his colorful life.)

"His lifework is a rich vein of gold waiting to be mined."

Dwight L. McKee, M.D.

"Revici is a fountain of ideas that could keep an entire graduating medical class busy for the rest of their lives."

Arnold Cronk, M.D.
Former Sr. Medical Scientist
Johnson & Johnson

Throughout his 74-year career, Revici's entire focus was on cancer research. Although many of his discoveries had profound implications in other areas of medical and scientific disciplines, as well.

One notable scientist counted 113 new scientific discoveries and at least 7 or 8 that could have won him the Nobel Prize had he better connections and more mainstream support. (You'll learn more about his amazing discoveries in Part II of the book.)

Whether you have stage 1, stage 2, stage 3 or stage 4 cancer, you'll want to get your hands on this book.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
PS. Be sure to go ahead and check out how my $10 cancer cure is starting to help those who have tried it:
Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex.
Your comments are welcome.

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Doctor Who Cures Cancer in paperback now

It doesn't seem to matter he was curing cancer patients left and right.

The medical elite has fought tooth and nail to suppress Dr. Revici's work.

To illustrate the "witch-hunt" against anything or anyone associated with Revici, consider this story from Sam A. Abady, Dr. Revici's attorney...

Abady was interviewing a doctor who had secretly been performing his own research on Revici's method at Sloan-Kettering after hours. The doctor told him it showed very promising results. But when Abady asked him to testify in Revici's behalf, he refused.

So Abady told him he'd have to subpoena him.

But then (according to Abady)...

"The doctor burst into tears and begged me not to make him do that. He said he had a family, and that he could lose everything when the people at Sloan-Kettering found out about it. The doctor was beside himself. I told him I really needed for him to come forward, not so much to testify regarding the results but to testify about the punitive climate that existed at the hospital regarding anything to do with Revici... The doctor's testimony had the potential to show clearly that Dr. Revici's method was not being given fair consideration by the mainstream medical community."

Despite the clear benefit to Revici to have this doctor's testimony, Revici decided not to have him subpoenaed. He didn't want to risk someone else's professional future.

Whether you have stage 1, stage 2, stage 3 or stage 4 cancer, you'll want to get your hands on this book.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
PS. Be sure to go ahead and check out how my $10 cancer cure is starting to help those who have tried it:
Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex.
Your comments are welcome.

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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Doctor Who Cures Cancer, miracle cure?

Outside The Medical Mainstream,
Dr. Emanuel Revici Was 'Quietly' Performing
Unheard-Of Cancer Miracles

Before chemotherapy and radiation became the standard, Dr. Revici was already making massive inroads into fighting cancer. He had developed effective treatments for reversing tumors, even in Stage IV cancer patients!

Consider the story of Melinda, who in 1948 was a fifteen-month-old girl with cancer of the bowel. It had spread to her lymph nodes, and she was given just two months to live.

But under Dr. Revici's care—and without surgery, chemo, or radiation—her tumor disappeared and she was alive and well seven years later!

Or Francis, who contracted cancer of the tongue in 1942. This type of cancer is typically exquisitely painful and must be removed by surgery.

But without surgery and with Dr. Revici's method, the lesion vanished with no recurrence for at least 13 years!

Dr. Brenner examined many of Dr. Revici's records. He reported...

"[Revici] has cured many people who were otherwise considered incurable... It is my professional opinion that his medicines have worked for many of the patients whose records I have examined."

"I've seen the case reports. I agree with what Dr. Brenner says."

Rudy Falk, M.D.
Director of Surgical Oncology
Toronto General Hospital
In a 1988 sworn testimony

Not only that, his medicines have little to no side effects. What a stark contrast to chemo and radiation!

"Every patient in this institution is free of, or practically free of, pain without the use of narcotics... This ability to relieve intractable pain is a great contribution."

C. A. Calhoun. M.D.

Whether you have stage 1, stage 2, stage 3 or stage 4 cancer, you'll want to get your hands on this book.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
PS. Be sure to go ahead and check out how my $10 cancer cure is starting to help those who have tried it:
Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex.
Your comments are welcome.

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Monday, October 20, 2008

The Doctor Who Cures Cancer, what people are saying

"Dr. Revici's work is an excellent example of advances in medicine that are far beyond the scope of orthodox medicine."

Robert Atkins, M.D.
Author of Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution

"We had a conversation with a couple outside the office. They were both members of Mensa, the club for people with extremely high I.Q.'s. They said Dr. Revici had taken the test, but his score was too high to be accurately measured."

Allan Hamilton

"I have read a lot of books yet none of them were as clear and interesting as this book. It's the only one in the last 60 or 70 books that I couldn't put down."

Raquel Sanchez, M.D.
Panama City Beach, FL

"Kelley, I love your writing style. Easily readable, honest, assertive, great sense of humor. You have to continue to write."

Lyudmila Lachac
East Norwich, NY

Whether you have stage 1, stage 2, stage 3 or stage 4 cancer, you'll want to get your hands on this book.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
PS. Be sure to go ahead and check out how my $10 cancer cure is starting to help those who have tried it:
Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex.
Your comments are welcome.

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Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Doctor Who Cures Cancer, Prologue

Prologue from The Doctor Who Cures Cancer

"You requested that I look into Dr. Revici's treatment of cancer. This I did, and find it far beyond my wildest expectations.... His results are amazing..."

- Louis E. Burns, M.D., 1955

"We can cure this disease if we can get a national effort behind it."

- Sam Donaldson, ABC News, 1996

Two weeks before little Issy was taken to see Emanuel Revici, M.D., her doctors at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) had estimated she had two or three weeks left to live.

Five-hundred-thousand dollars of prior medical treatments had not cured her because a grapefruit-sized tumor pressed against the four-year-old's large intestine and liver. Meanwhile, the malignant growth had sprouted a six-foot predatory spider leg that wrapped itself around her spine. In addition, one of her chemotherapy sessions at CHOP had injured her kidneys and bladder, according to her father, Vernon Morin.

The Morins were cautioned by Issy's doctors that their daughter would probably die a painful death, although they would prescribe some narcotics to try to reduce her pain. The only "good" news they had to offer was that the end would come quickly.

Her parents would not give up, however. Two days after starting Dr. Revici's treatment, Issy's pain disappeared, so she no longer needed any pain killers. The first office visit cost less than $200. The medicine was free.

Issy spent that summer playing and swimming in the river behind her parent's home. As her treatment continued, she gained weight, began to grow, returned to preschool, and started ballet classes. Her sweet and playful disposition returned as well.

After nine months of Revici's care, Issy's grapefruit-sized tumor was smaller than a golf ball. The dangerous spider leg was dead. Where tests had previously shown 98% cancer cells in her peripheral blood, now there were none.

Meanwhile—when no one else could help Issy Morin—the state of New York yanked Dr. Revici's medical license.

Nor was Issy's battle over. The long-term effects of her kidney damage caused her to go into shock. But the people who said Issy would only last a few weeks had not referred her to a kidney specialist. Issy could overcome the cancer, but like Revici, she was no match for the medical establishment. Five months after her first coma, Issy surrendered for the last time.

Was it just luck that caused Issy's tumor to shrink so much? Why did the invasive spider leg shrivel up and go away? Well, consider that the 100-year-old Dr. Revici has had six decades of success with cancer patients who have benefited from his discoveries. Those patients were just as lucky and just as spontaneously healed as little Issy, for Dr. Revici is the doctor who cures cancer.

More than thirty years ago, Dr. John Heller, who was then the medical director of Sloan-Kettering Memorial Cancer Center, privately said of Dr. Revici, "I've known him for ten years. I don't know how he does it, but people walk in dead and walk out alive." This is the story of that man and his many lucky patients, and of a medical establishment that has fought him every step of the way.

Who is Dr. Revici, what has he discovered, and why do his patients consider him to be a miracle worker? Furthermore, how did the forces of conventional medicine stop him from helping the vulnerable Issies of the world?

Perhaps more importantly, what do Revici's discoveries mean for the future of cancer treatment and other conditions, such as AIDS and drug addiction, and how can we personally benefit from his work? The answers to those questions—and more—start with an exploding ambulance.

This method applies to any stage of cancer...any stage, including stage 4 cancer.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
Together we can cure cancer - one person at a time!

PS. Want to know how I cured my own stage 4 cancer in two weeks?

Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex.
Your comments are welcome.

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Friday, October 17, 2008

Do our Muslim enemies really support Obama?

It sure looks that way, but is it really true? I'm not buyin' it.

Yeah, millions of dollars have poured in from Muslim nations. Furthermore, Libya's strongman recently gave a speech in favor of Obama, and in an effort to enlist support for Obama from Libyians, said Obama was trained as a Muslim when he lived in Indonesia as a child.

There have been other signs of support for Obama from our Islamic

But here is the thing. Not only is Obama for abortion in all cases,
he's for letting babies die after failed abortions. Meanwhile,
abortion is a huge offense according to Islamic beliefs.

So something doesn't add up. The Islamists are 'supporting' the most
apostate candidate in the race.

That means they have a different agenda. Namely, they want a president who will allow them to vanquish the US. The Islamofascists believe all our candidates are apostates and deserving of death. That being the case, our enemies, the Islamists, are supporting the one that will make it easier to destroy the US.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
Together we can cure cancer - one person at a time!

PS. Want to know how I cured my own stage 4 cancer in two weeks?

Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex.
Your comments are welcome.

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Saturday, September 27, 2008

She said, "my stabbing, knife piercing pain" is "completely gone". And so is the lump!

I started sharing my $20 'grocery store' cure for cancer recently.

It took a while before anyone was willing to try it. But then a woman
wrote to say that her breast cancer appeared to be gone. She said it
took two weeks. She can no longer feel the lump. If any of it remains,
it's too small to palpate at this point.

Then a man wrote about his 10-inch colon cancer tumor. He's been
bleeding, suffering from fatiguing pain, and flatulence. Since
starting, from the very first day, he has become symptom free. He
wrote to say, it's the best he has felt in over a year.

Next a woman wrote to say that the pain from her cancer in her jaw
bone had gone down from the very first pepper and garlic meal. She
wrote that her head had felt like cement prior to eating the pepper
and garlic. But now it feels light and clean. She said her bones felt
clean all over.

These are just the beginnings. I expect more and more cancer sufferers to try it, and more people spreading the good news like wildfire. It wouldn't surprise me if the cure becomes common knowledge by Independence Day of next year...maybe sooner.

You're invited to share the link with your buddy list. If you have a blog, please do your thing to link here.

Here's the link for the recipe:

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex. Your comments are welcome.

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Sunday, September 07, 2008

What's "In" and What's "Out" in 2008

Out: Barak - In: Barakuuuuda

Out: B. Hussein Obama - In: B. Insane Obama

Out: "Change you can believe in." - In: "Changing is coming!"

Out: "Save the polar bears." - In: Mooseburgers

Out: Community Organizer - In: Mayors

Out: Rev. Wright - In: God BLESS America!

Out: Liberals driving SUV's - In: Snow machines

Out: No-scoring kids teams - In: Pitt bulls and lipstick

Out: Hair plugs - In: Beauty queen governors
Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just for Sex. Your comments are welcome.

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Thursday, August 21, 2008

I Don't Want No Stinkin' Socialized Medicine!

When I was in my mid-twenties, I suffered from a serious kidney ailment. Off and on for five years, my urine would throw off red blood cells. It got so bad that sometimes my urine would be almost the color of a Coca Cola.

That's why I recall an article about the result of the government picking up the tab for kidney dialysis many years ago. The article noted that the costs had exploded from an expected $500 million to $15 billion.

By then I had cured myself of my incurable condition without the help of my kidney doctor. So when I read the article about the soaring costs, I just shook my head.

It was kind of ironic that later, I worked transporting wheelchair-bound patients from nursing homes to large kidney dialysis centers. Long rooms filled with about 30 dialysis units were kept running in shifts because there were so many patients being brought in each day. The patients themselves were almost all on medicare or medicaid.

It was obvious to me that the owners of the equipment would not be interested how I cured myself. No, they were sucking on the government teat. What would they have done with the millions invested in their dialysis machines and staff if patients could cure themselves?

In 2005, Medicare funneled $62 billion of taxpayers' money into kidney dialysis treatments. Hardly anyone was cured...maybe no one.

But the dialysis center's bills were paid. So it was a success at least by that yardstick.

The National Kidney Foundation notes that 80% of all dialysis costs are paid by taxpayers.

Maybe that's why I'm so opposed to socialized medicine. The patients I saw were on a slow road to dying early. The dialysis kept them alive but for most, they would be too exhausted to work or enjoy life.

It seems that my method for curing myself was far better, but so long as there's an easy gravy train that continues to this day, the motivation to find actual cures is greatly diminished..

In other words, innovation goes out the window when the medical infrastructure becomes dependent on taxpayers footing the bill.

My personal cure cost me less than a laptop computer - far less. My kidneys have been working just fine for over 30 years.

If one government controlled disease can cost us tens to hundreds of billions of our hard earned dollars, how hard will the government hammer us to pay for every illness?

Because the my story doesn't stop with bad kidneys.

Two years after I wrote The Doctor Who Cures Cancer, I cured myself of Stage 4 cancer nearly 10 years ago. I must tell you, I didn't rely on the government to do it.

Nope. I cured myself for about $10 or so.

If I'd relied on the government, it would have easily cost $100,000 to $250,000 as a lead up to my funeral. I didn't have the money, so you would have ended up paying for my treatment.

If we want innovation, the last thing we should do is set up an infrastructure called socialized medicine. 'Cuz there's nothing 'social' about puking your guts out thanks to government "do gooders" transferring your wealth to expensive treatments that might not be all that beneficial.

I treated myself out of necessity. It's the mother of invention. Government controlled medicine is the mother of more government controlled medicine.

So ask yourself, do you want more innovation or more government?

For me, with no kidney disease and no cancer, the answer makes me smile.
Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex.

Your comments are welcome, including signature lines.

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