For Your Average Genius: The Doctor Who Cures Cancer, what people are saying

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Doctor Who Cures Cancer, what people are saying

"Dr. Revici's work is an excellent example of advances in medicine that are far beyond the scope of orthodox medicine."

Robert Atkins, M.D.
Author of Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution

"We had a conversation with a couple outside the office. They were both members of Mensa, the club for people with extremely high I.Q.'s. They said Dr. Revici had taken the test, but his score was too high to be accurately measured."

Allan Hamilton

"I have read a lot of books yet none of them were as clear and interesting as this book. It's the only one in the last 60 or 70 books that I couldn't put down."

Raquel Sanchez, M.D.
Panama City Beach, FL

"Kelley, I love your writing style. Easily readable, honest, assertive, great sense of humor. You have to continue to write."

Lyudmila Lachac
East Norwich, NY

Whether you have stage 1, stage 2, stage 3 or stage 4 cancer, you'll want to get your hands on this book.

The best to you.

Kelley Eidem
PS. Be sure to go ahead and check out how my $10 cancer cure is starting to help those who have tried it:
Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex.
Your comments are welcome.

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