For Your Average Genius: November 2007

Saturday, November 10, 2007

At least Hillary didn't steal the silverware this time

The former first lady is getting better. When Hillary left the White House she stole some of the silverware and other property belonging to the White House.

Yeah, she stiffed the waitress and used her story in stump speeches, but this time all the diner's silverware was accounted for.

She's improving, I tell ya!
William Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex.

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Cholesterol drug fails again

Did you know that ancient Rome didn't crumble merely due to its cultural decline. They fell because they used lead pipes in their aqueducts. Their leaders and populace became stupid and crazy.

Today we face a similar threat, we're being made sick and stupid by the medications so many of us take. The latest evidence is the widely used Zocor.

Zocor, a cholesterol drug, can ruin your sleep, according to the latest study.

Sleep problems are associated with contributing to both weight gain, and diabetes.

So let's do the math here. Zocor is supposed to protect you from a heart attack (har har) but it can lead to diabetes which causes heart attacks, blindness and kidney failure, along with severe nerve pain, and gangrene which can lead to amputations.

Something doesn't add up.

Does this mean you should switch from Zocor to another cholesterol drug? No. All statin drugs block CoQ10, a vital energy producer in the heart. This means all of them promote heart attacks.

There is further evidence that they also lower testosterone and promote amnesia and memory loss. Stay away from these drugs.
William Kelley Eidem is the author of It's Not Just For Sex and The Doctor Who Cures Cancer.

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Sunday, November 04, 2007

Is Sloan-Kettering holding out on you?

Today's cancer treatments leave a lot to be desired. First and foremost there is the human suffering. After that comes the huge dollar costs that are involved. In many cases, the costs are made even more outrageous because the cured patient ends up being a mere shell of himself.

Yet the medical community has been at this for a very long time:

"A disease that...can attack a person is perfect health, in the full vigor of early maturity, and in some insidious, mysterious way, within a few months, destroy a life, is surely a subject important enough to demand our best thought and continued study."
- William Coley, M.D., in remarks to the New York Academy of Medicine, 1891Dr. Coley was referring to a young woman whose injured hand had mysteriously transformed into a painful and deadly case of cancer, snuffing out her life in less than a year. Coley was influential in the establishment of Memorial Sloan-Kettering.
It is perhaps more than a little ironic that Sloan-Kettering has since played a part in snuffing out an effective method for curing cancer. About five decades ago, S-K chief medical director, John Heller, M.D., was well aware of a doctor who was curing cancer patients.

Dr. Heller told a fellow physician who had been stricken with a mortal, incurable brain tumor about the doctor who cures cancer, "I don't know how he does it, but people walk in there dead and walk out alive." Heller had known about the outsider's work for 10 years.

The stricken doctor asked Heller if he recommended that he go see him. The Sloan-Kettering Medical Director replied, "Yes, I would."

The Dr. Robert Fishbein, the brain cancer patient, was quite naturally quite curious to know why they weren't using the more effective treatment at S-K. Heller answered, "I'd lose my job. I have to be careful around here. He's foreign. He's strange, and around here he's considered a quack."

Dr. Fishbein, who was predicted to be dead in two to four months was cured. That was in 1962, some forty-five years ago. He was able to return to to the practice of medicine. He has retired, and lives in New Jersey.

It's unfortunate, but do not expect the medical profession to "get around" to offering the treatment.The doctor who cures cancer was Emanuel Revici, M.D. His name is still scorned by the American Cancer Society and in the halls of medicine including at Sloan-Kettering.

It will take a wide wakening and people speaking out. I'm just one person, but together we can fix this health care crisis. It's long overdue...let's not wait another moment.

So once again, it's time to repeat the words of Dr. Coley:
"A disease that...can attack a person is perfect health, in the full vigor of early maturity, and in some insidious, mysterious way, within a few months, destroy a life, is surely a subject important enough to demand our best thought and continued study."
But perhaps we can do more than that - much more. Only this time it's easier - much easier. A cure already exists. You can help in a big way by doing a small thing. Simply visit this link, and then send that link to your email buddy list.

You could also link this message on your blog if you have one.

A cure exists. When enough people are aware of its existence, it will naturally become available wherever it is needed.

Conversely, until enough people see the evidence, this treatment will remains difficult to access for most cancer patients, as it is available in only one medical office at this time. So it is critically important to take benefit cancer patients around the US and around the world.
William Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex.

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Saturday, November 03, 2007

Cancer, Before and After Cure

Probably million of words have been spilled on health care. Today I'd like to talk about health cure. Here's the thing...a health cure program is ten times better than a health care program.

I'm basing my ten times multiple on my extensive research into common sense, by the way. Ask anyone who is sick and suffering: "Do you want some care or some cure?" I'm predicting you'll get ten hands up for a cure over some care every time the poll is taken.

Therefore our public policy should not be focused on health care, but on health cures. When a patient feels cured, they can take care of themselves.

The next time you her someone calling for more health care, call them on it. Tell them you're tired of health care; it's time for the cure.

Yes, there is a doctor who cures cancer, by the way. And a lot more.

A picture can be worth 10,000 words. Here you'll see several.

Then decide for yourself.

Please, even if you've never linked to another blog before, link to this one. We need to get the word out.

Let's end health care and start a health cure movement.
William Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex.

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Thursday, November 01, 2007

68% More Gen X'ers Risking Erectile & Libido Dysfunction

You might be wondering what cholesterol has to do with killing our enemies.

Forgive me for hammering on the many problems of cholesterol lowering drugs of late. But the news keeps piling up on them. The news is really serious in its implications for both our nation and to the young men and women who could be seriously harmed by these problematic drugs.

Recent news reports indicate more men and women between the age of 20 and 44 could be losing their sex drives, if other medical reports are to be believed. The news is that sales of these drugs has increased by 68% to that age group.

In previous articles, I've noted how the popular cholesterol drugs can hurt patients in different ways:

  • Memory loss, and amnesia
  • Heart atttacks
  • Erectile and libido dysfunction
Can the US afford to have a bunch of Gen X'ers & Gen Y'ers suffering from memory loss and reduced testosterone levels? Are we femininizing our society, turning men into wishy washy wimps?

We are at war, in case our already wishywashy wimp society hasn't noticed. Lowering our testosterone doesn't help when we are faced with millions of fanatics who want to destroy the US.

With Alzheimer's Disease already a grave worry, what happens if we add to that a large number of Cholesterol-impaired brain-addled young adults?

Men need testosterone to maintain their masculinity. Women need a tiny bit to maintain their natural sex drive. All of us need fully functioning brains for as long as possible.

I fear for our future. There are so few voices crying out to stop this madness, with millions of prescriptions being written each year, destroying brains and vitality.

This is no joke. Physicians are becoming more aggressive in prescribing 'Limpitor' and the other statins. Meanwhile, medical bodies keep reducing the mythical number as to what is a safe level of cholesterol.

If you're concerned about your cholesterol, a much safer and effective solution would be fish oil and arginine. Neither will mess with your testosterone or your brain except to help them.
William Kelley Eidem is the author of The Doctor Who Cures Cancer and It's Not Just For Sex.

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