For Your Average Genius: How long before the Democrat Party implodes?

Friday, November 05, 2004

How long before the Democrat Party implodes?

1- The last two elections (2002 & 2004), has put eight new prolife Senators in office.

2- They replaced eight pro-choice senators.

3- Meanwhile, the Republicans increased their majority in both years.

4- More Republican governors were elected both times. Most governorsare now Republican.

5- More state houses have switched to Republican majorities. Most statehouses now have Republican majorities.

How long before the Democrats start to tear into each other? And watch to see if some Dems don't switch parties. You can count on more seats going Republican in 2006 because the 'negative replenishment effect' of Roe v. Wade will continue to sap strength from the chances for Dems. (Most abortions are had by pro-choice women -- reducing the pool of children that are influenced by pro-choice parents.)

By 2008, it's going to get ugly for the Dems. (No, I'm not refering to a certain Senator's appearance.) The number of Republicans in both Houses will crush the Dems. And Hillary's chances will go down in flames. By 2010, don't count on the Democrat Party being a major party any more.


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