For Your Average Genius: Sliver victories for prolife Senators due to . . .

Friday, November 05, 2004

Sliver victories for prolife Senators due to . . .

... too many abortions.The Alan Guttmacher Institute has put together a study that shows it'spro-choice women who are having most -- not all -- of the abortions.

The dead fetuses of mostly pro-choice women were unable to vote in2002 and 2004. If they had lived and voted like their mom's, Martinezof FL, Thune of SD, and the Republican candidate for Senate inLouisiana all would have lost. Each prolife winner won by a sliver, 50to 49.

The pro-choice voter is only at the beginning of reaping itsself-created whirlwind. Each new election promises much of the same:more prolife winners by small margins.

Before long, the Democratic party will probably collapse frominfighting.All due to abortion.


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